Prospective Validation of 2B-Cool: Integrating Wearables and Individualized Predictive Analytics to Reduce Heat Injurie

SRINIVAS LAXMINARAYAN1,2, SAMANTHA HORNBY1,2, LUKE N. BELVAL3, GABRIELLE E. W. GIERSCH3, MARGARET C. MORRISSEY3, DOUGLAS J. CASA3, and JAQUES REIFMAN1 1 Department of Defense Biotechnology High Performance Computing Software Applications Institute, Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Fort Detrick, MD; 2 The Henry [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Determinants of Food Choice in Athletes: A Systematic Scoping Review

Abstract Background: The individual determinants of food choice have been extensively investigated in the general population, but there have been limited studies in athletes. A better understanding of the food making decisions can help to target interventions that lead to optimal intake for athletes’ health and performance. A scoping review [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Greater effects by performing a small number of eccentric contractions daily than a larger number of them once a wee

Our previous study found that one maximal voluntary eccentric contraction (MVC-ECC) performed daily for 5days a week for 4weeks increased MVC-ECC, isometric (MVC-ISO), and concentric contraction (MVC-CON) torque of the elbow flexors more than 10%. The present study investigated the effects of six maximal voluntary eccentric contractions on the MVC [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Hamstring Injuries: Critical Analysis Review of Current Nonoperative Treatments

Hamstring injuries are common among active and athletic individuals, especially those involved in high-speed running, distance running, or sports requiring sudden directional changes. Acute hamstring strains often occur as an eccentric strain during running or astretch-type injury caused by simultaneous hip flexion and knee extension. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy is an [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Home is where the hustle is: the influence of crowds on effort and home advantage in the National Basketball Association

Josh Leota, Daniel Hoffman, Luis Mascaro, Mark E. Czeisler, Kyle Nash, Sean P.A. Drummond, Clare Anderson, Shantha M.W. Rajaratnam & Elise R. FacerChilds To cite this article: Josh Leota, Daniel Hoffman, Luis Mascaro, Mark E. Czeisler, Kyle Nash, Sean P.A. Drummond, Clare Anderson, Shantha M.W. Rajaratnam & Elise R. Facer-Childs [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Impacts of mental fatigue and sport specific film sessions on basketball shooting tasks

To cite this article: Bryce D. Daub, Blake D. McLean, Aaron D. Heishman, Keldon M. Peak & Aaron J. Coutts (2022): Impacts of mental fatigue and sport specific film sessions on basketball shooting tasks, European Journal of Sport Science, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2161421 To link to this article:

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Greater effects by performing a small number of eccentric contractions daily than a larger number of them once a week

The effects of resistance training on muscle function and muscle hypertrophy are determined by factors such as muscle contraction type, intensity, number of contractions, and frequency.1 Regarding the muscle contraction type, previous studies have shown that resistance training focusing on eccentric (lengthening) muscle contractions (actions) is more effective than that [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Impact of combined versus single-mode training programs based on drop jump and specifc multidirectional repeated sprint on bio-motor ability adaptations: a parallel study design in professional basketball players

Abstract Background: Jumping and specifc multidirectional repeated sprint ability are important in basketball. The objective of this study was to assess the contributions of 8-week combined versus single-mode training programs based on drop jump (DJ) and specifc multidirectional repeated sprint (MRSA) on repeated sprint ability performances, body balance and lower [...]

November 27, 2023|0 Comments

Monitoring Training Load and Wellness of Female Footballers Transitioning Between Club and National Teams

Preparation of national football teams (soccer) is often constrained by short pre-tournament availability, equiring players to rapidly transition between club and national team programs before and after tournaments (19,20).

November 23, 2023|0 Comments

Characterization of Ankle Injuries and Associated Risk Factors in the National Basketball Association

Ankle injuries are common among athletes but are particularly frequent in basketball players.1,2 The explosive movements in both the lateral and vertical directions, coupled with the sport’s physicality, predispose the foot and ankle to traumatic and degenerative pathology.12

November 23, 2023|0 Comments

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